Monday, October 18, 2010

Prior to meeting my grandfather, I had only knew both my grandmothers. In fact, the presense of manly figures in my life was not always evident which in reality could have skewed my image of what i man should be but was luckily not thanks to the powerful influence of women in my life. But a grandparent for most individuals are the ones who enstill the core values that builds the foundation for your overall life. So, in poetry class on grandparents day at Wyoming Seminary I couldn't help but think about just how much of an influence grandparents have on young people today and what not having them in your life would effect a person.

Grandparents, in general, play the role of wisdom in a family. One could often expect words of wisdom from a grandparent. The memories of a person's grandparents should make a person feel good. From the warm cookies to the money they snuck you while their mother wasn't looking. "The reason grandchildren and grandparents get along so well is that they have a common enemy. " This quote comes from Sam Levenson, an American humorist, televisions host, and journalist. The bond between children and grandparents according to Levenson is evident. They are one of a child's first friends. A child needs a grandparent, anybody's grandparent, to grow a little more securely into an unfamiliar world. A grandparent helps an individual from birth in their adapting to life.

So, As I sat their in a sea of love in my poetry class, I thought of what my grandparents meant to me. i never knew either of my grandfathers. I met one but he didn't know who is was. (he was already senile). But i did learn a lot from my grandmothers. one of the many lessons they taought me was to never compromise my core values for anything or anybody. And that is one that sticks in my mind and will has made me who I am today.

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